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4 Ways Healthy Change Contributes Towards A Better Lifestyle

Dec 16, 2021

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Moving house can make change seem daunting at first, but oftentimes it’s these very changes which help us design the life we really want. After all, healthy change is a gateway to new things, and however you feel about that, it’s important to recognise that new experiences can, and do, magnetise plenty of positive energy.

At Keller Williams, our clients are seeing very real benefits to making exciting house moves, especially in the wake of the pandemic.

Access to Green Space Improves Mental Health

Just beyond the realms of urban life lies a utopian paradise, filled with sun-splashed gardens, wide open spaces and more parks than people. These vast areas of natural beauty are often just a short stroll to local conveniences, yet they offer residents close access to natural woodlands, abundant wildlife, and the chance to see real stars from time to time.

Gardens are a beautiful way to spend more time with your loved ones. Get that dog you’ve always wanted, hang a swing from a tree, or install a hobby shed for all those untapped dreams you’ve never quite got around to realising.

A Dedicated Home Office Keeps Work Flexible

Home offices make for excellent Pinterest boards, but having the space to craft these inspiring rooms yourself at home is often less realistic.

Most people just don’t have the right space for a luxurious office, so those with smaller homes spent much of lockdown craning their necks, stuffing a home office into the nearest nook, or finding that corner cranny just isn’t the charming, convenient space it promised to be.

The shift to homeworking means more and more of us are now eyeing up extra space for a dedicated desk. Instagram-worthy work stations help to establish our concentration. They provide plenty of scope to expand ideas, and give homeworkers a place to balance the bustle of work with living a work-free life at home.

Best of all, those with a proper home office really can do their job from anywhere.

The Right Home Size Nurtures Relationships

Finding the right-sized home is perhaps the most insightful change we’ve seen over the last few years.

Whether you’re rattling around in a home that’s way too big for your needs, or cramming too many people into the same bathroom in time for school, having a comfortably-sized home alleviates the pressures and stress which come from loneliness, empty nest syndrome, or accidental overcrowding.

Smaller, more homely living spaces are easier to manage. Downsizing can mean upgrading your residential area in exchange for giving up an empty bedroom, or moving into that quaint cottage you’ve always dreamed of. You may also pocket some nice spare change from the sale.

Large and stately homes create a sense of breathability and possibility. They stimulate our sense of adventure, give grandchildren endless capacity for wild imagination, and make having the whole family around for a delicious meal that much easier to accommodate.

Change Of Pace Is Good For Your Heart

These days, living in the city or out in the rural countryside isn’t just a location preference, it’s a lifestyle.

For some, the rush of the city can provide a creativity spark or enhanced motivation. Entrepreneurs and professionals often report that living alongside other ambitious people makes them more likely to succeed themselves.

On the flip side, life in a rural setting can bring natural relaxation, with a slower pace that lets you appreciate life’s simple pleasures in a meaningful way.

Often, rural homes in the country are just a short distance away from picturesque walks and quaint villages. Country life brings a stronger sense of community, and for animal-lovers, the chance to have those pets you’ve always dreamed of is an achievable reality.

All of these things can affect our wellbeing in ways we’d never imagine – they can reduce anxiety, improve our sense of joy, and brighten up our daily lives.

 Healthy Change Is Wholesome

Sometimes, the best thing we can do to bring about healthy change is to change our surroundings. Selling a home may have mixed emotions, but finding the right home can be life-changing.

Leafy space encourages a wonderful sense of freedom, and provides the perfect antidote to all those months on mute, while those with a comfortable home setup really can work from anywhere.

Keller Williams specialises in helping homeowners find the right home, by helping you to sell the wrong one.

Which of these healthy changes can best improve your current lifestyle?